The implementation of the Training Course was carried out during the days 1st  and 2nd July, in the Adult School La Verneda Sant Martí, Barcelona.

The diversity of profiles of the people participating in the financial education training, has allowed obtaining a greater means when debating and realizing the activities through Interactive Groups as a Successful Educational Action.

Professionals of primary, secondary and university education, as well as volunteers and participants of the National Coordinator Committee, have debated previous experience in this area.

They assure that the course has served to go one step further in this area, advancing for an improvement in personal, professional and social learning; they assure that there is a need for financial training for both educators and society.

Below are some evidences that reflect this demand:


 ‘’Se m’ha obert un món que no coneixia. Ara tinc més ganes d’aprendre i continuar formant-me en tot això. Desconeixia molt de finances i ara estic super motivada per fer coses més personals i saber el meu pressupost. ’’

“A new world that I didn’t know about has opened up to me, now I really want to learn and continue to train myself in all this. I didn’t know much about finances and now I am very motivated, also at a personal level and to k now about my own budget”


‘’Una persona sola se deja muchas cosas. Yo soy maestro, y me gusta que los alumnos me recuerden cosas que se me olvidan. Me ha gustado mucho como implementar bien los Grupos Interactivos como Actuaciones Educativas de Éxito. Porque necesitas tener formación y estar seguro de lo que haces para que realmente funcione. ’’

“One person alone forgets a lot of things. I am a teacher, and I like that the students remind me of things that I forget. I have liked a lot how the Interactive Groups are implemented as a Successful Educational Action, because you need to be trained and be sure that what you are doing for it to really work”

‘’Crec que és molt important tirar endavant amb els problemes, i a la meva escola tinc bastants problemes per fer coses, i surto d’aquí amb ganes de portar a terme grups interactius. ’’

“I think it is very important to address these problems, and in my school I have many problems to do things, and I leave from here with the will to carry out interactive groups”


Training Course in Spain

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