FinanceGo Guide for Trainers
FinanceGO Guide for educators was created as a part of the FinanceGO Project, which aimed to provide a resource for educators who offer Financial Education courses to young adults. This FinanceGO GO Guide aims to provide educators with practical tools and to inform them about how to use these tools educators about how to use the tools, in order to teach financial education to young adults using a dialogic learning approach and applying ‘Interactive Groups, a Successful Educational Action’ as identified by the research done in the topic (INCLUDE-ED, 2006-2011).
The contents of the FinanceGO Guide and the topics of financial education addressed are based on a curriculum of financial literacy developed as part of the previous EDU-FIN project (2014-2016), which took into account the voice of young adults and therefore was created using a dialogic learning approach. This curriculum was created through aparticipatory process involving young adults (themselves at risk of social exclusion) from four European countries; Spain, Austria, Bulgaria and Italy. The financial education needs and ideas of young adults were compared and contrasted with European financial programmes identified as good practice. Consequently, the topics addressed in the FinanceGO Guide are a result of an egalitarian dialogue between the good practice identified by research on what works best (Valls,Kyriakides,, 2013; Oliver, Gatt, 2010; Valero, Redondo-Sama, Elboj, 2018; García Carrión, Molina Roldán, Grande López, 2016)and the young people to whom this curriculum is addressed.