FinanceGO: Training educators to implement Financial Literacy Courses for young adults at risk is an ERASMUS+ project that aims to train educators from different fields on how to carry out financial literacy courses for young adults at risk of social exclusion. This aim is based on the belief that training educators is the way to guarantee a higher number of young adults that will receive a quality financial education, in each of the partner countries. Facilitating at-risk youth with access to Financial Literacy is one of the tools to achieve social inclusion.


There are currently few projects, researches or studies on financial education that are especially focused on young adults at risk. This is a serious omission as young adults will soon have to make even more complex and critical financial decisions and they must be prepared to face new and changing economic environments. Financial Literacy continues to be especially low among young adults at risk (18-34 years) without compulsory education.


The National Strategies for Financial Education: OECD/INFE Policy Handbook (2015) mentions that effective financial education programs must focus on attitudes and skills. Most young adults are ill-equipped to deal with ever-increasing financial responsibility. That’s the reason why the Guide for Educator will not only focus on Financial Literacy Courses but also on the possibility that Educators from various fields can include Financial Literacy topics and contents in their classes and activities. The FinanceGO Project aims to train educators to offer Financial Literacy courses or classes to young adults at risk by developing a Guide for Educators and a Training Course. These two activities will give educators the tools needed to better serve young adults while applying a curriculum that is based on their own needs and expectations.

This project is a 24 month ERASMUS+ project that will be carried out from September 2017 until August 2019.